5 Abs Exercises For Awesome April

April 18, 2018

Not all six-packs are created equal. Some people need to work their belly to exhaustion before they can carve out abs, while other dudes seem to get theirs to pop without a single situp. Ready to get ripped and lose your love handles? These 5 abs exercises will be the last guide you’ll ever need.

Arms-High Partial Sit Up

Lie on your back, knees bent at 90 degrees, and raise your arms straight overhead, keeping them pointing up throughout the exercise. Sit up halfway, then steadily return to the floor. That’s one rep.

Ball Crunch

Lie back on the ball with feet shoulder-width apart on the floor. Your lower back should be supported by the ball. Place your hands behind your ears and tuck your chin. Curl your body up off the ball until you’re sitting up.

Flutter Kick

Lie on your back with legs straight and arms extend out at your sides. Lift your heels about 6 inches off the floor and rapidly kick your feet up and down in a quick, scissor-like motion.

Front Squat

Set a barbell on a power rack at about shoulder height (if you don’t have a rack, clean it to your shoulders). Grasp the bar with hands at shoulder width and raise your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Take the bar out of the rack and let it rest on your fingertips—as long as your elbows stay up, you’ll be able to balance the bar. Step back and set your feet at shoulder width with toes turned out slightly. Squat as low as you can without losing the arch in your lower back.

Medicine Ball Russian Twist

Sit on the floor in the top position of a situp and, holding a medicine ball with both hands, extend your arms in front of you. Explosively twist your body to one side and then twist back. Alternate sides.