November 29, 2021

Exercise that is done to benefit our bodies also has risks. One of them is injury. It's something we really avoid to happen to us but it's quite common to happen. Here are some of the common injuries:

1. Injured tendons.

2. Ligament injury.

3. Joint dislocation

4. Fractures or broken bones.

5. Blackout or fainting

We can minimize this by several ways to prevent injury. Let's discuss them one by one.

  1. Heating and cooling

A warm-up works to prepare the body for the intensity. While cooling is important to lower the heart rate slowly until normal conditions. This is important to avoid blackouts and fainting after exercise. So never underestimate the benefits of heating and cooling.

  1. Schedule

Repeating the same movement over and over again without giving a break will result in overuse injury. If you train frequently enough, be sure to rotate the muscle you're working on with each exercise to allow time for that part of the muscle to recover.

  1. Listen to your body

If something goes wrong with your body, your body will send a signal in the form of pain. Do not underestimate the pain, especially if the pain is in the joints. If you experience sharp, movement-interrupting, and consistent pain, make sure you see a doctor right away.

  1. Nutrition

Provide adequate and balanced nutrition. Meet the daily needs of macro and micro nutrients, especially when exercising. Drink enough to replace lost body fluids. Good hydration can reduce injury and increase the body's ability to repair tissue.

So what if the injury occurs when you exercise? If you experience this, you just need to remember the R.I.C.E method:

R = Rest:

Immediately rest the injured area. Use a splint if necessary to minimize movement in the injured joint or muscle.

I = Ice:

Compress the injured / injured area using ice. Cover the ice with a cloth so the ice cold doesn't hit the skin directly.

C = Compress:

Apply compression to the injured area with a bandage. Make sure that the pressure applied is sufficient, but not so tight that it can block blood flow to the tissues.

E = Elevate:

Elevate the injured area higher than the heart to reduce swelling.

 After you carry out the points mentioned above, immediately consult a doctor for a diagnostic test so that your injury can be immediately given the right treatment according to the type and location of the injury.